Australian Sustainable Hardwoods

Processing high quality sustainable hardwood from regrowth forests under the brand GoodWood

ASH has long term contracts for the supply of 155,000m3 of certified ash regrowth sawlogs from VicForests, the Victorian Government’s commercial forestry business.

The Victorian Forest Estate is well managed with all forest types being represented in the extensive parks and reserve system. Fifteen percent (1.2 Million hectares) of the forest estate is available and acceptable for commercial forest activities. Harvesting and regeneration must be within the sustainable yield of the forest so the harvesting rate never exceeds the growth rate of the forest. Harvesting and regeneration takes place under a strict code of forest practice so all values of the forest are taken into consideration. The code includes ensuring the operations are small and well spread, thereby minimising any impact.

Prior to harvesting and regeneration all of the forest values are assessed to ensure the integrity of the forest. This includes the flora, fauna, soil, water, cultural, archaeological and silvicultural values. The Victorian Ash and Australian Oak forests naturally regenerate through fire killing the trees, after which seed is falls from the trees onto the ash bed created by the fire. A new
stand of trees then grows.

The harvesting and regeneration operation is designed to mimic the natural process. When the trees are felled, the bark and leaves, containing most of the nutrients, remain in the forest thereby
maintaining the nutrient cycle. The seed is collected from the trees, a regeneration fire conducted and the seed is re sown onto the site thereby maintaining the genetic cycle. Only the stored carbon in the form of the sawlog leaves the site. No pesticides or fertiliser are used, ensuring a natural process.

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